Data Centers
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How to Enable Enterprise AI with NVIDIA and Digital Realty

Ready to accelerate your business with AI?

In this video, Matt Hull, VP of AI Solutions, NVIDIA, explores how NVIDIA and Digital Realty empower IT leaders to drive business transformation. Discover the building blocks for integrating generative artificial intelligence securely and at scale in the enterprise.

Watch now to learn more.

Video Transcript

Matt Hull:

Hi, I'm Matt Hull. I'm our Vice President of AI Solutions Go-To-Market here at NVIDIA. NVIDIA is an accelerated computing company. We're focused on accelerating computing for applications like artificial intelligence, high performance computing, and others.

So, artificial intelligence is complicated. Artificial intelligence is new. It requires an entirely different set of infrastructure pieces, an entirely different skill set.

And what NVIDIA is trying to do is develop each of the pieces that are the building blocks for artificial intelligence. We want to make it very, very simple for enterprise customers to be able to put those building blocks together in ways that we have tested and proven are best practice.

So in order to do that, you need data. You need to store that data, you need to move the data, you need compute, you need to be able to compute the data very, very quickly. And you need the ability to put it in places that have high interconnection and the ability to power and cool this AI infrastructure.

And that's the basis of the relationship between NVIDIA and Digital Realty. We launched the DGX-Ready Data Center program several years ago and the whole idea is we want to make it very simple for customers to find places to house their AI infrastructure with partners that first and foremost we trust are going to do a good job of servicing the customers. But, secondly, have the capabilities, the power, the cooling and the interconnection.

Digital Realty has been a DGX-Ready data center provider in many locations for a number of years and we expect that partnership to continue to grow and flourish.

AI is moving very quickly, and AI is not something that's a business enabler: this is a business driver. Those enterprises that enable AI and put it into their practice, into their business are going to accelerate their business and they're going to pull away from their competitors.

As AI needs to move quickly, we need partners with whom we can work with to innovate very quickly. We don't leave our customers stranded in a place where it's not best-in-class, the latest and greatest AI technology.

We're partnering with Digital Realty to make sure that we're skating to where the puck is going, to where the power, the cooling, and the interconnectivity needs are going to be in a year, five years from now and making sure that we have that ready for our customers to enjoy.

The call to action for enterprises is first and foremost to go now. You need to run to enable AI in your businesses. Your competitors are doing it. Your peers are doing it. You need to make sure that you're staying ahead of the curve.

Number two, learn about the solutions that are available. AI is difficult, but it doesn't have to be.

If you work with partners like NVIDIA and Digital Realty, it can be very, very simple for you to get started and to scale your AI practice with infrastructure from NVIDIA, software from NVIDIA and interconnection and data center services from Digital Realty.
